Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Terbang Terbang Melayang

Finding time to revise my friend list at Facebook. There's a whole bunch of faces that I never recognize and never in my life have I interacted with these people, so I did what's best for myself and removed them from the list. They won't miss me. They didn't even know me.

Inching step by step into the conclusion of a game I just bought, but the memory stick it was in decided to play a game called Ruin Your Buyer's Day and go kaput. I'm forced to send that stick and see if they can check for faults and get me a new replacement. More minutes of my life consumed to do something trivial.

Nice week spent relaxing at home and spending time with cousins and relatives. A time of togetherness. That is Eid. There is a special feeling when it comes to celebrating Eid. Of course, over time that special feeling is lost, since you're not a kid anymore. It used to be jovial, what with spending time playing fireworks with cousins and getting packet money. All is gone, but the memories still linger.

Latin is now easier to learn thanks to Jones's book. The other book I bought by Harwood was a joke. It pushed me with so many phrases then asks me to "forget all that". I should have known that when it published a third edition, it wasn't worth it. So far, Jones' was much better. It knows that when you want to learn a language, what's more important than most is grammar.

As I look at my wallet I realized that money is like water. It flows very rapidly this month. If not for the car accident I was involved in I'd still have some excess left to show that in my bank statement, it's all good. But then again, it was all my fault, if I hadn't fall asleep that time, I know I'd still save all the trouble. Now, I sing along to the music on the radio so I won't do that.

Next few days, I'd be depressed I guess. I'm inching close to that mark. Some people say those things are just numbers. I think I should adopt that thinking. What's most important is that when I show up around people I must keep good appearances and interactiveness. I'll start with the immediate people around me.

Dang stupid console with expensive games that I have to wait until I get my salary to buy one game that I'll only play for 10 minutes! Also, I think I'll buy a PSP next month. I hope I don't regret this!


inda said...

Salam..ketabahan amat perlu dalam menempuh ranjau kehidupan ini...lagi dewasa kita lagi besar cabarannya..cuma hadapi dengan penuh hemah dan kesabaran..SAYANGI ALLAH SELALU..

elnoir said...

Terima kasih ibu!
Betul, kita tidak boleh putus asa.
Cuba sedaya upaya hadapi setiap hari dengan senyuman.
InsyaAllah ^^