this is a work of fiction, and should be treated as such.
hearsay on the pint
heard of the vicious beasties roaming God's good earth lately? talk is the world's out to harvest all the living, feeding from their power. kinda like the ol' world cleansing tales we've heard in the past, ain't it? but what's more intriguing, i heard, is not all the living suffers. it's them energists who get the ripping. you know who them are? they're the ones what been keeping what the world feeds from in themselves. throws the world off balance, so they say. i say this never come too soon. a mighty bunch of power-hungry thieving rats, what them are! - Egurt, merchant
blessed be the radiant shine, shear luster of the artifacts known to us as the crystals. protecting us from the beasts of the land, crystals emit a holy light that keep the beasts at bay. so did man, ever hoping for salvation, build their homes around them, and as the gift to man grows by the day, so too did man's settlements, though for fear of being untouched by the crystal's light did the city of man grow within bounds. so has man's worship of the crystals incarnate, for if one is off the blessed light, damnation truly befalls them. - Firu, acolyte
sad fate it is for these people, right? there's no love for them, and nobody cares! what is more tearful is the fact that these people are hunted by the very world they live in! but as if that's not enough, now i hear their own kin is hunting and killing them. called themselves the forces of the world, they do! they don't enter homes, like the guards do, no. they prowl the ways and paths, and once they detect a rejected kin they pounce upon 'em, and a horrid feast goes on. sad, savage fate, don't you think so, friend? - Har-Dluf, archivist
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